Stay the Night

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Stay the Night
Author(s): Ida Vega
Date(s): 1995
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Stay the Night is a Kirk/Spock story by Ida Vega.

It was published in Charisma #19.


"Unable to get help from McCoy, Kirk asks Spock for a backrub that leads to a kiss and the realization of his feelings from Spock."

Reactions and Reviews

Unnecessarily told in the first person POV of Kirk, this story centers around Spock's visits to Kirk's cabin for the presumed purpose of giving Kirk a massage.

All I can say is that I'd give a million credits to get one of those Vulcan massages... deep, penetrating. Described in detail, the best part comes (what a way to put it) when Spock has to sit on Kirk in order to really administer the proper pressure.

Even if this story was just an excuse for a little get-together, I didn't care. Besides, can you resist it when Spock says: "I am here to serve you, sir, as always"? Naah.... [1]


  1. ^ from Come Together #17