Star Trek: Alliance

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Title: Star Trek: Alliance
Author(s): Jeremy Sadler
Date(s): 1994?
Length: 35 pages
Genre(s): science fiction, war
Fandom(s): Star Trek
Relationship(s): M/F
External Links: Archive Of Our Own

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Star Trek: Alliance cover
Star Trek: Alliance cover

Star Trek: Alliance is a Star Trek: The Next Generation drama/action fan fiction written by Jeremy Sadler.


Michael Ryan serves aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Picard, and is promoted to First Officer of the USS Alliance, another Galaxy-class starship. He encounters someone mysterious from his past, then must handle a delicate diplomatic mission, before the ship responds to orders to assemble with the fleet at Wolf 359 to defend against the Borg.


  • Commander Michael Ryan, human Starfleet officer
  • Lieutenant Sula, Vulcan Starfleet officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Traci Namera, human Starfleet officer
  • Lieutenant Mary Duzon, half-Bajoran Starfleet officer and USS Alliance navigation officer
  • Captain Dan Cleine, human Starfleet officer and captain of the USS Alliance
  • Commander Ariel Alexander, Betazoid Starfleet officer and USS Alliance ship counsellor
  • Hevalder, Entarian (alien race) President
  • Kortin, Entarian advisor
  • Lieutenant Fieran, human Starfleet officer and USS Alliance tactical officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Mars Gleese, Bajoran Starfleet officer and USS Alliance second officer
  • Lieutenant Rogel Collins, human Starfleet officer and USS Alliance chief engineer
  • Admiral Hanson, commanding the fleet at Wolf 359, a canon character
  • Locutus of Borg, a canon character

Canon interactions

  • The prologue is from the point of view of William Riker.
  • Michael (the main character), attended Starfleet Academy with Riker and is friends with him.
  • Most of the main characters from ST:TNG make an appearance to farewell Michael when he is promoted and departs the USS Enterprise.
  • Admiral Hanson appears, commanding the fleet at Wolf 359.
  • Wolf 359 is a canonical battle[1] (as seen in the ST:TNG episode "The Best of Both Worlds: Part 2[2]"), in which the assembled ships of Starfleet are mostly destroyed. Canon ships mentioned are USS Melbourne, USS Tolstoy, USS Saratoga, USS Gage and USS Kyushu.

Canon contradictions

  • Bajor was not a United Federation of Planets member at the time of the Battle of Wolf 359 (2367)[3], and thus there would be no Bajoran Starfleet officers.

External Links


  1. ^ "Battle of Wolf 359",
  2. ^ "The Best of Both Worlds: Part 2",
  3. ^ "Bajor",