The Star Kobol Journals

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Title: The Star Kobol Journals
Editor(s): Holly Oaks
Date(s): 1983-?
Medium: print
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Language: English
External Links: online here
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The Star Kobol Journals is a gen Battlestar Galactica (1978) anthology with four issues.

Its stories are about the people of the colonies, and the trials and tribulations they face for the worlds they've chosen to defend in the name of humanity, brotherhood, and peace.

From the Publisher: 2014

I have always wanted anyone and everyone to be able to read the stories in my former hard-copy fanzine. I know what it's like to actually buy something and then suffer the disappointment of my purchase not living up it's advertising. My online writings have become a little more adult in nature, yet I always believed that people want to read a good story that it not totally motivated by sex. There are adult themed scenes in my stories, but rarely are they the focal point.

Regarding slash (/) fiction I am not opposed to slash and have read quite a bit of it, (good and bad) however I never felt I would be any good at writing it, so I don't. If you are looking for slash fiction you are not likely to find it here.

What you will find here is a rollicking good series of adventures. It "gets real" at some points, but I hope not excessively so. I guess my major goal is for people to say these stories are at least a "good read". [1]

Issue 1

The Star Kobol Journals 1 was published in 1983 and contains 48 pages.

cover of issue #1

"The pilots stepped forward to help, but the boy had seen them and raised his gun. 'We won't hurt you,' Apollo said again. 'How do I know that?' The boy asked, raising to his knees. While his attention was fixed on Apollo, Starbuck made a move to disarm the boy. It was almost his last act..."

Issue 2

The Star Kobol Journals 2 was published in 1983 or 1984 and contains 63 pages.

cover of issue #2

"I'm hit, Starbuck!' Apollo cried while trying to keep his bucking Viper from spinning out of control. 'It's okay, o'l buddy,' Starbuck answered. 'We'll work our way in. I'm due to a refuel anyway.' 'Listen, Starbuck, you go on.' 'Now, hang on, pal, doesn't look like your lasers are gonna be much good to you.' Actually, the whole undercarriage of Apollo's Viper was gone, and it was doubtful he could even land if he managed to make it back to the Galactica."

Issue 3

The Star Kobol Journals 3 contains 84 pages.

cover of issue #3
  • Fleet Com Line Alpha (2)
  • The Scorpion, part two, The Legacy by Lori Anderson (5)
  • A Second Chance at Childhood by Marie Gleason (15)
  • Word Search by Lori Anderson (48)
  • Echo of Valor by Ric Victor, art by Barbara Walker (49)
  • The Adventures of the Star Kobol by Holly Oaks (60)
  • Profile: Gyronia by Ric Victor (77)
  • Intership Communications (79)
  • The Leading Edge (80)
  • Purple and Orange? (ad for the zine series, Purple and Orange??) (82)
  • Pyramids (ad for the zine, Pyramids?) (83)

Issue 4

The Star Kobol Journals 4 was published in 1989 and contains 72 pages.

cover of issue #4
  • The Scorpions III: A Case of Conscience by Lori Anderson ("Someone has hired an assassin to murder a member of the Royal House of Scorpia, and it is up to Starbuck and the Blue Squadron to find the killer before he finds his target.")
  • The Ways of the Warrior by Ric Victor ("Several warriors from the gathering aboard the Rising Star the day before the Betrayal find that the Galactica was not the only ship in the fleet to survive.")
  • The Epitaph by Marie Gleason ("A fiery ball of flames leads everyone to believe that Major Azriel is dead on the unexplored planet of Alpha 8. Only Commander Phoenix doesn't believe the intelligence reports.")
  • Adventures of the Star of Kobol by Holly Oaks ("Amidst rescue operations and the search for food to feed the last remnants of man, the plot to kill the Star of Kobol's commander comes to a tragic end.")
