Spyro (gaming series)

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Name: Spyro, Spyro the Dragon, The Legend of Spyro
Abbreviation(s): TLoS
Creator: Insomniac Games, others
Date(s): 1998-present
Medium: video games
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Spyro is a series of video games about a dragon of the same name. The first three games were recreated in 2018, revitalizing old fans.


The first three games consist of platforming, item collecting, and battling bosses. Spyro is the main character with a small cast of side characters who would occasional come into place to advance the story. Later games include more varied gameplay styles and introduce a wider range of characters, such as Cynder, who the fandom would come to ship with Spyro.


The fans differentiate between the first three games and later titles by calling Spyro from the first three games "Classic Spyro."

The spin-off rebooted series Skylanders had a notable fandom from 2011 to 2017. Skylanders fans typically used headcanon to imagine what the pieces of lore in the game could mean more than writing stories or roleplaying.




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