Space Association of Australia

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Fan Club
Name: Space Association of Australia
Dates: 1981 -
Country based in: Australia
Focus: space program
External Links: Space Association of Australia website
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The Space Association of Australia is an Australian non-profit group of space fans and others interested in the history, potential and future of space exploration. Its mission statement reads:

Our Purpose

To promote the advancement and expansion of the peaceful exploration, utilisation and, colonisation of outer space.

To inform and educate the public of the characteristics and benefits of the peaceful exploration, utilisation and colonisation of outer space.

To encourage space research and applications by the Australian Government, industry, educational and scientific bodies, and other organisations.

To provide a forum for people interested in the peaceful exploration, utilisation and colonisation of outer space.[1]


The SAA began as the Monash Astronautical Society, a university student group at Monash University in the late 1970s, which ran regular meetings and published its own newszine, Capcom.

It outgrew its origins and was launched as the Space Association of Australia, a group in its own right, in April 1981.[2]

It has held regular meetings and events, including special anniversary events such as a public display in Melbourne commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing in July 1989; and a special week-long 50th anniversary commemoration for Apollo 11 in conjunction with a Melbourne movie theatre in July 2019.

The SAA published a regular newszine called the Space Association News (SPAN); and for over thirty years has run a radio program called the The Space Show.

Past members have included science fiction fans who were professional authors such as Kate Doolan and Wynne Whiteford, and science fiction fans including Helena Binns and Geoff Allshorn.

The Present

The Space Association continues to hold regular meetings and special events, but it has refined its presentation and networking links, and today it runs meetings containing material from a wider and more professional scope of people connected to the space industry both in Australia and overseas.

The SAA holds monthly public meetings and welcomes members. Its "Space Show" is a weekly radio event on Southern FM in Melbourne.


  1. ^ About Us, SAA website.
  2. ^ SAA 35th Anniversary pin, SAA shop, SAA website.