Song of the Miscreant

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Title: Song of the Miscreant
Author(s): Anna Parrish
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Song of the Miscreant is a Kirk/Spock poem by Anna Parrish.

It was published in Charisma #16.


"This is a humorous look at the Federation's first contact with the planet Vulcan, with Kirk being the contacter, and Spock (who has 'gone native' against Sarek's wishes) being the contactee."

Reactions and Reviews

I think I've read this story/poem at least four times in the past week, It's not usual for epic poems to be comical but Anna has given us one of the cleverest, funniest ballads I've ever seen, A somewhat involved story, it spells out a tale that bounces from sexual blackmail, to a wedding; with side trips to Starfleet HQ, and porno holovids.

Chock full of sly digs at some of the more staid aspects of Vulcan culture, the humor also manages to poke more than a few holes right through the dignity of a certain starship captain.

This fable had plenty of erotic action that we all love, yet it also shows an abundance of that sort of subtle humor that sneaks up on you until you can't help but produce your own version of that famous Kirkian grin. There are an abundance of descriptions such as "Spock had other ideas, he wanted to run with the pack. And he did, "and a reference to Admiral Culligan as a "wrinkled old fart". I imagine picturing a wedding scene with the words "The wedding finery that Vulcan wore was almost indecent." Those and many similar comments kept my eyes literally glued to the page.

The pair of ending remarks with Kirk saying 'Don't expect me to take this lying down." and Spock's reply of "Oh, but I do. Often." cracked me up, They were just priceless. Anna is a very talented and versatile writer and this little jewel could very well become a classic. [1]

Long poem. Spock is the leader of a band of rogue Vulcans and Kirk must get agreement from them in order for all of Vulcan to join the Federation. Spock wont even talk to Kirk until they have sex. The tricorder was on and recorded the whole thing for all of Startled brass to seel The tape becomes a popular porn film. Sarek (who gets off on porn films) demands Kirk marry his son. Silly and amusing, I like it! [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #53 (1993)
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #59 (1993)