Son of the Empire

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Son of the Empire
Author(s): MrsHamill
Length: ~110,000 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Son of the Empire (Mom's Kitchen)

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Son of the Empire is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by MrsHamill.

Summary: Novel-length AU/AR/whatever. The Sith and the Jedi have been enemies for millennia. In the face of a mutual threat, can they unite?

Recs and Reviews

When a dangerous and mysterious foe begins conquering the universe, the Jedi and the Empire of the Sith are faced with the uncomfortable realization that they are going to have to work together to have any hope of stopping the invasion. To that end, Qui-Gon is sent as an emissary and to his surprise he finds that he has far more in common with the Sith royal family than he does with his own Jedi brethren, especially the eldest son and heir to the throne: Obion Kenobi.
Fair warning, the first couple of chapters of this story (before Palpatine is revealed to be a *gasp* Bad Guy (shocker!)) move very slowly and the last chapter moves too fast (and is a little too much like a deus ex machina). Between the two, however, you have an intricate, fascinating, tense thriller populated with an enormous cast of brilliantly drawn (and utterly captivating) OCs and canon characters. I'm especially impressed with the entire Sith royal family, all of whom are (I think) OCs except for Obi-Wan and Anikin. Each one is real and human and not at all Mary Sue-esqe. I also loved Maul, who isn't a bad guy in this fic, and who is far more layered and interesting than he ever was in the movies. Mix in a suspenseful plot in which anyone could prove to be a threat (thanks to Force compulsion) lightened by domestic and romantic drama featuring Qui-Gon and the royal family and you have a long, layered story that will take you hours (or even days) to read.[1]


The AU (or is that AR) to end all ARs :) This has nothing to do with TPM or the Saga or any kind of movie. It's the Jedi and others and it's just a story. When I first read it I fell in love with [info]mrshamill all over again (like her writing some of the most amazing TPM stories was not enough!). It reminded me a lot of the Empire Trilogy by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts, only not. People who have no idea who those Star Wars people really are and they don't really want to get dragged into what ever fix for TPM exists or some complicated "dance" around the Trilogy is written, but enjoy Sci-fi or fantasy and can learn to love the Jedi, then this story is for you. mrshamill as always spins an excellent tale of intrigue, war, peace, negotiation, every day life, Jedi rituals and of course love. Attention to detail, good plot and solid writing only make this story better and trust me it's good.[3]
