Someday (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Creating Someday
Author(s): simkhalou
Date(s): 04 November - 17 December 2015
Length: 120,108 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Creating Someday (AO3)

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Creating Someday is a Steve/Danny story by simkhalou. It's the first part of a series.

Summary: Amidst torture and death, Danny and Steve made a promise to each other.

Recs and Reviews

This fic is amazingness. It is amazing. It is long, it is meaty, it is so fucking canon it hurts. It stretches from 4x24 I think to 5x8 or so and oh my god. I laughed. I cried. I ached. I smiled. I loved it so so so so so so so much. It’s painful and wonderful and beautiful and it has the most exquisite relationship between Danny and Kono that is just purely 100% what I feel their relationship should be even if the show doesn’t show it. Steve will break you, and Danny’s love for Steve will break you, and then Danny will break you and Steve’s love for Danny will break you, and then heal you and break you again and then heal you. Go. Read. NOW. [...] She has a few more stories, only one of which can be found on AO3, but I found others I still have to work through that I ASSUME must be hers on[1]

It’s hard to put into words how freaking good this story is. It’s an angsty exploration of how Steve and Danny cope, don’t cope, fall apart and put themselves back to together after the traumatic events during eppys 4.21 and 5.07. Don’t remember what happens during those eppys? Don’t worry, you’ll get pulled into their journeys. [2]


  1. ^ lovethesnark. H50 Fic Rec, 23 February 2016. (Accessed 03 June 2016)
  2. ^ "McDanno Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.