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Title: Slick
Author(s): Brenda Antrim
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Slick

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Slick is an early Mulder/Krycek story by Brenda Antrim.

It was originally online.

The 14th issue of Strange Bedfellows (APA) contains a reprint of this story, along with a black and white photo manip. It is introduced with: "Here, just to prove it can be done: a Mulder/Krycek with Mulder on the bottom. It's netfic, reprinted with the kind permission of the author. This is an alternate ending to the recent two-parter, "Piper Maru" and "Apocrypha." Contains spoilers for third season episodes."

Reactions and Reviews


Um, I hate to say it, but I enjoyed "Slick." Brenda Antrim has a touch for comedy (she's done a couple of DS pieces with it, too) that rescues an otherwise plain little story premise, by means of some good lines and a hint of proportion. I've seen this general sort of K/M story once or twice before, all vile and stiff and unbelievable. I'm not sure it's believable, here, but it's a lot more fun to not believe in. [1]

I read "Slick" with attention but not a lot of interest. I've never seen Krycek. Or Cancerman. It feels as if it could have been (could still be) a really good story, but it needs polishing - finishing. It feels unfinished. Is this typical of netfic? In some ways that's like early circuit stuff, where because it wasn't going in a zine fanwriters seemed to think it didn't matter.[2]


  1. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #15 (November 1995)
  2. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #15 (November 1995)