Sleeping Dogs

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Sleeping Dogs
Author(s): Jessica Daigneault
Date(s): 1985
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Sleeping Dogs is a Kirk/Spock story by Jessica Daigneault.

It was published in the print zine Twin Destiny #2.


"Kirk seduces Spock after finding out that his touch has created a mutual desire, but end up getting more than he bargained for."

Reactions and Reviews

This is a short one, and not a particularly cheery ending, either. Some won't like it. But the author is extrapolating from the teeny bit we saw of Spock's parents interacting -- not their smiles, but rather the behaviour patterns Sarek and Amanda followed. And I dunno, I just liked this one. I like me some "What If?" stories, always have.

Jim's been chasing after Spock for a while now, politely of course, but determined. Spock's been acting completely oblivious. Jim can't figure it out -- they're close, best friends as well as colleagues, why not go for it? Finally he comes up with a plan. He gets Spock to drink some wine with him, and just keeps doing his brilliant!Tasty thing, sitting real close, so on and so forth... ...and of course, eventually the inevitable happens. Spock pounces -- and I do mean pounce, my honeys, it's pretty yummy really if you like seriouslyintent!Spock and pretendingtobesurprised!Jim - - and they go at it like bunnies, yeah? With the good old bonding meld in the middle thingie. And then it's afterwards, and Spock is scowling and being really pissed off, while Jim's still breathing hard and kind of waiting for his brain to reboot, and Spock snarls at him, "Why did you do this? Why did you force the issue this way, provoke me past control? Ours was the one friendship that mattered to me, the one I did not wish to be destroyed. Now you have ruined everything! This cannot be undone. You are bonded to me, and as the non-telepath, you will be subservient." Jim's getting kind of freaked at this point, this was no way what he had in mind. He splutters and protests for a bit, and Spock just says to him, "You are mine now. And I am not willing to give you up. Bondmate, attend me!" And that's pretty much that. It is a logical extrapolation from Journey to Babel, if, I am sure, an unpopular one. But every now and then I find something like this sort of cleanses the mental palate if ye will. So, for those of us who rather like a good dystopian ending at times, I present this small gem for your enjoyment and edification.

Packs a helluva punch for its size. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #170