Skit (genre)

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Synonym(s)roleplay, reacts
Related tropes/genresPOV (genre)
See alsoCloset Cosplay
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Skits are a genre of TikTok in which fans portray characters and act out dialogue in short vignette-style videos. They gained popularity in 2020, especially among anime fans.

Videos can range from 10 seconds to 3 minutes, and storylines are sometimes split into multiple TikToks, called a 'series'. Every skit is based on a specific premise, though many popular ones are influenced/created by trending audios or memes on the app.

Many popular TikTok creators are known for making skit videos.


Typically, one person portrays every character in a skit, with quick camera cuts signalling a transition between each. Some creators may add small accessories, change their hairstyle/clothing, use different voices, establish different camera angles, or switch 'sides' of the screen to help distinguish which character they are. However, when a character first appears, their identity will almost always be established by on-screen text.

Many creators treat this activity like traditional acting, fully committing to portraying a character's emotions, mannerisms, and actions. Similar to acting, the format relies on viewers to accept the premise that creators are those characters. Comments on the videos do not address characters as 'creator-playing-character', but simply as the characters' names.