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Sisters in Smut Interview with XWoman1013

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Sisters in Smut Interview with XWoman1013
Interviewee: XWoman1013
Date(s): 2001
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Sisters in Smut Interview with XWoman1013, Archived version
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Sisters in Smut Interview with XWoman1013 was conducted in 2001.

It was part of a large project conducted by members of the Sisters in Smut archive, an X-Files archive with a focus on the character Walter Skinner. See Sisters in Smut Interview Project.


What was your first encounter with X-Files fanfic?

My interest in the X-Files grew from being a devoted watcher to spending some time in the chat rooms devoted to XF. In one of these rooms, a participant said she had posted a story, and could we give her feedback. I read it – and I don't know who it was or what it was, or even the pairing. I just remember thinking "Hey, I want more of this!" Very quickly I came upon Sisters in Smut, the original home of Skinnerotica, and have never left!

How long have you been a fan of the show?

I watched on and off till season 3, and then I was hooked. I'm one of those freaks that have them all on tape. Paused during commercials…

What made you into a Skinneroticist?

I think it was "Zero Sum" that made me really see the Skinner Scully bond. I didn't feel the need to write about that bond until some time later. I started my first fanfic, Snakes, while I was working on my dissertation. Can you say "diversion"?

What was your first experience with SIS?

I stumbled into it looking for Skinner-centric fiction. I was sure I adored him, but wasn't quite so convinced of his deified status till I got to SIS. I read through all the founding author's fics and was thoroughly impressed.

What are your top five all-time favorite stories?

That Tight-Assed Cat, by Manik

RazorGirl, by Trajan Dunn

Paved Paradise, by (I don't remember) – la and e?

Precious Moments, by Misty Cornflower (my badfic springs from this fantastic example)

Up Near Aspen, by frogdoggie

Where do your ideas come from? What inspires you?

This and that, ideas of love, relationships, mystery, intrigue, and my favorite inspiration is, "What if…?" There are lots of wonderful what ifs to play with in fanfic as the show is only an hour and you KNOW they are up to something the rest of the week. What if Skinner is also a kayak enthusiast? An opera aficionado? What if Scully teaches ballet to underprivileged kids? What if when he was in college, Skinner was an exotic dancer? What if Scully really did wake up in Skinner's bed in "This Is Not Happening"? What if during an assignment Scully and Skinner are chained together by an evil yet erotic scientist? What is Skinner is uncircumcised? What if Scully is a virgin? What if Mulder likes to watch? Etc., etc., etc. And if you didn't see the answer to the second part, what inspires me, it's sex. Sex, sex, sex. I don't think I've written any fics yet with no sex or hope of sex or talk of sex.

How do you feel about fanfic in general?

I love it as an expression – both creatively for the writer and as an expression of enjoyment for another person's creativity. I would not write XF fic if I didn't love the X-Files – someone else's creative vision. I think sometimes people get a bit too wound up about it, but that's fine – they place more importance on it in their lives than I do. For example, I have no desire to start or participate in a flame war over someone's characterization in a fic. I either like it or I don't and I move on.

Is there anything else that you would like to say?:

Did I say have fun? That's important. It's not just laughing ha ha fun, but intriguing and engaging and interesting fun. Fic is about exploring creativity, telling untold stories, filling plot holes, and in the case of smutfic, just filling holes. Fic writing and the whole X-Files universe as I have become involved in it is also about community and friendship, and I have been lucky enough to hook up with some great people. Usually, becoming part of something like this is as easy as saying "I want to do this." Get on a list, chat, look for fic on the web, and start doing something that makes you happy.
