Sir Kay

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Name: Sir Kay
Occupation: Warrior, Knight, Seneschal
Relationships: Foster-brother of King Arthur, son of Sir Ector the Kind, companion of Sir Bedivere, husband of Andrivette in Escanor
Fandom: Arthuriana, Arthurian Legend
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Sir Kay (also known as Kai, Cai, Cei, Chieso, or Caius) is a knight in Arthurian Legend and a popular character in the Arthuriana fandom. In most stories, he is King Arthur's foster-brother who serves as his seneschal. He originated in Welsh stories as a mighty warrior with a number of magical powers but was degraded over time until he was portrayed as a boorish buffoon and master of the kitchen.

In Literature


In Cullwch and Olwen, Cai is said to be able to grow to treetop height, survive underwater for nine days and nights, and radiate enough heat from his hands to keep others from freezing, among other abilities. He is one of Arthur's mightiest warriors and the constant companion of Bedwyr (Bedivere) before Arthur makes up a mocking song about him and he is so angry he leaves forever.


Kay is the protgonist of Exiled from Camelot by Cherith Baldry.

In Fandom

Kay is often characterized as exemplifying the Jerk with a Heart of Gold trope. Much fan work revolves around his familial relationships with Arthur and his nephew Gareth, the latter dynamic being strongly influenced by Le Morte D'Arthur, where Gareth works as a kitchen boy who Kay mocks but eventually grows fond of. On the other hand, many fans prefer the earlier Welsh iterations of Kay.

Kay is most frequently shipped with Bedivere, usually romantically but sometimes queerplatonically. He is also sometimes shipped with Andrivette, his wife in Escanor, or with both Andrivette and Bedivere as a throuple. The second most tagged ship on Ao3 involving him is Gaheris/Kay; however, all of these works are by one prolific author (Aramise).

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