Silvermoon Interview with red rose knight

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Silvermoon Interview with red rose knight
Interviewer: Helen Vader
Interviewee: red rose knight (mistakenly titled "red knight knight")
Date(s): early to mid 2000s
Medium: online
External Links: "interview was here". Archived from the original on 2008-02-17.
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red rose knight was interviewed for Silvermoon.

See Silvermoon Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

Do you also write original works (original as opposed to fanfiction)?

Yes, sort of. I am on hiatus from writing an original manuscript. Right now writing fanfiction is a learning process with knowledge that I hope to take with me when I return to my original work.

Would you agree that fanfiction is a genre dominated by women, and if so, why do you think it's so?

I won't say dominated as I know there are quite a few guys writing, but I have never really thought about it.

This is a site devoted to antagonists. Could you reveal us your favourite Mr. Bad Guy?

Vader as he is the most interesting.