Silvercon (Las Vegas)

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Science Fiction Convention
Name: Silvercon
Dates: early 1990s
Frequency: at least twice
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Type: fan-run
Focus: Star Trek, filking, science fiction
Founder: Anthony Bernaldi?
Founding Date:
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Silvercon was a con held in Las Vegas.

Silvercon 1

Silvercon 2

Silvercon 2: Con Report

They came, they saw, they filked. Las Vegas may never be the same. The Duras Sisters, otherwise known as Chris [Dickerson], Elization [Burnham], and Debbie, performed in the filk concert Saturday night at Silvercon Two. The girls shared the spotlight with some of the most impressive names in West Coast filking: Kathy Mar, "Dr. Jane" Robinson, Cynthia McQuillan, Larry Warner, and Joey Shoji. Also in attendance were The Filking Times Rick and Deborah Weiss and Writer GOH Julia Ecklar (who didn't sing unfortunately).

The con was a truly entertaining weekend for the Nova staff. While Elizabeth talked science in the dealers' room with Dr. Jane, Chris and Debbie took advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime chance to have a real-live, "already-gave-up-her-day-job" Star Trek writer, Julia Ecklar, critique their work. The 1 1/2 day writer's workshop was an eye opener for the Nova Press writers/editors - an excellent opportunity to get outside opinions and critiques, as well as down-to-earth editing tips from a professional. (Thank you, Julia, for putting a burr under our saddles.) Kudos to con chair Anthony Bernaldi for putting on a truly friendly and entertaining con! [1]


  1. ^ from The PULSAR #4 (July 1993)