Secrets in Stone

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Secrets in Stone
Author(s): D.A. Martin
Date(s): 1987
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Secrets in Stone is a K/S story by D.A. Martin.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #9.


"Hearing rumors that Kirk and Spock are lovers, an artist friend of McCoy's creates a statue of them, but after McCoy sees it he tries to hide it from them, unaware that the rumors are true."

Reactions and Reviews

This is cute (good cute). McCoy tries to shelter Kirk and Spock, and Kirk weasels around him, with Spock's help. The way the two of them outwit McCoy was amusing and likely (a quick-minded conspirator McCoy is not). Only one tiny nitpick: I wish they hadn't made him feel like a fifth wheel at the end. They can't spend all their time in bed, after all. Certainly, though, an enjoyable read. I think I would have liked this artist story better, if I hadn't read another one in the same zine. I didn't find it plausible that Kirk and Spock hadn't bothered to inform McCoy about K/S for an entire year. McCoy is supposed to be their closest friend forgodsake. In addition, I found the ending of this tale rather flat and anti-climatic. [1]

A statue of K & S as lovers comes on exhibition and McCoy sees it. Everyone knows they're lovers? Right? Wrong! Kirk and Spock didn't know yet! Well written. [2]

This delightful little romp is complete with misunderstandings handled with good nature and some mischievousness mixed in. An artist friend of Joanna McCoy has created a twin sculpture of Kirk and Spock, which while not explicit, leaves no doubt they are lovers. McCoy nearly falls over himself trying to keep his friends from finding out about it—or seeing it! Of course he makes it very clear to the sculptor that she has made a horrible mistake, the command team are definitely not lovers. Ah, but Kirk and Spock smell a rat and go in search of the missing artwork, leaving McCoy behind. And find it! One figure is cast in green marble, one in stone of gold and pink hues. They stand as separate units with only the outstretched jade hand cradled in two pink ones. Ann, to see such a creation! To have a small version on one's mantle! Heaven. Such things as dreams are made of. Best of all is when Kirk gets to deliver the line, "they're not rumors, Bones", my satisfaction is complete. [3]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #2
  2. ^ from On the Double #6
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #36