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Pairing: Sethos/Scaramouche
Alternative name(s): Scarasethos, Sethscara
Gender category: M/M
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Small
Archives: Works on AO3
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Sethoscara is a slash ship in the Genshin Impact fandom between Sethos and Scaramouche. The ship fandom was born on June 3rd, 2024, when it was leaked that the two have voice lines for each other in the coming update.


Fans got excited as Sethos was the first character in over a year to have a voice line on Scaramouche, and Scaramouche also has a voice line on Sethos. Scaramouche also appears in Sethos's character story, and it becomes clear both are aware of the fact that the other is harbouring some big secrets. They also have parallels in their stories, such as both having been told they'd be vessels for gods despite this not happening in the end. They also have opposite traits, such as Sethos being very social and Scaramouche the opposite.



As it is in canon, Sethos is portrayed showing a special interest in Scaramouche's intricate hat. Bees and honey also come up, as Scaramouche called Sethos "a busy little bee" in Sethos's character story in-game.


First posts about Sethoscara on June 3rd, 2024 on Tumblr included:

Why is Sethos obsessed with Wanderer. Is it because it’s pride month

The first sethoscara art has struck my Twitter timeline. They have a ship tag now. It’s happening

stardustdiiving 1, 2



Some rare pair enjoyers had already got into the ship in late May before any canon interaction or connection between the characters had been shown.[1]

A Redditor's view on the fast development:

Seeing this ship suddenly grow it’s popularity from almost nothing and into something big over the last 24 hours on twitter has been a wonderful experience, I’ll never forget it!

Amydancingagain, June 3rd 2024

On Twitter, the hashtag "sethoscara" had become trending by June 5th, 2024. The ship fandom on Twitter was born among English-speaking fans: for example, a Japanese-language tag did not emerge on the first days of the ship fandom.

The ship tag was created on AO3 on June 3rd, 2024 with the first Sethoscara fanfic, from hat to heart by sachesky.


The ship already had its haters on the first day, mainly on Tiktok. Screenshots of anti-Sethoscara Tiktoks were posted to Twitter by people intending to mock said haters.[2] Criticisms include Scaramouche's character being ruined by yet another guy ship, or arguments that Sethos is ugly. Despite no NSFW fanwork having been made of the ship at the time, Sethoscara shippers were accused of sexualizing the characters just by the fact of shipping them at all. Some of the criticism seemed to have racist motives as Sethos is brown, and some haters have insulted his appearance and used racial slurs.[3]

Example Fanworks



  • sethoscara by akushixa (June 2024), the first Sethoscara animatic


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