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Title: Sarpeidon
Publisher: Sarpeidon Publications, a "Libra Publication"
Editor(s): Lori Paige/Brenda L. Black
Date(s): 1981-1982
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: online adaptations here
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Sarpeidon is an adult het Star Trek: TOS anthology of fiction and art with at least two issues.

They were written by Lori Paige under the name Brenda L. Black. An age statement was required to purchase.

It won an ASC Award in 2003.

From a proposal in Universal Translator #23 for a third issue that was never published: "DOBs or DOMs unite! We need heterosexual stories and art."


In 2003, Lori Paige began publishing "The Sarpeidon Chronicles" online. Copies have been archived here. An index can be found here.

The complete series is currently online here.


"Fan fiction story where Spock discovers a method of time travel that allows him to bring Zarabeth into his own century."

Author's Notes

The author says:

A few years back, Mariette Hartley told Starlog magazine that she would have loved for the powers that be to invite her back on Star Trek to reprise her role as Zarabeth. Needless to say, her fans feel the same way. Luckily, we're way ahead of the people who own the 'official' versions of the show. Various fanzines reunited Spock and Zarabeth long ago. Among those zines were "The Sarpeidon Chronicles," a series of stories and novellas I originally wrote and published (both on my own and through other presses) in the late 1970s and early 1980s. [1]

Issue 1

Sarpeidon 1 was published in Summer 1981 and contains 37 pages. It was illustrated by L.W. Kayne.

cover of issue #1
  • Sarpeidon, part one, fiction by Brenda L. Black
  • Off Duty, fiction by Brenda L. Black
  • Desert Soliloquy by L.W. Kayne
  • The Fountain Witch, fiction by Brenda L. Black

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

This fanzine is produced on a Xerox copier, which doesn't mean that it's a lousy method. There have been many excellent 'zines to use the miraculous 9500 copier.. Unfortunately, this particular 'zine isn't one of them. Frontsided only, gang, means 30 pages of type and 30 blank pages, and you have to pay for it.

The editor admits this is her first fanzine (as though I couldn't guess as much). It has only one contributing artist, L.W. Kane, who is the only other writer for the 'zine besides the editor herself. It's supposed to be sold to adults only because of the contents, but the sexual scenes are described in such a way that one is not aroused by the content. The question is, is the sex there to arouse, or because it's part of the story?

In the opinion of this reviewer: Worthwhile? Not really. Gratuitous? Absolutely!

"The Sarpeidon", by the editor, is about Spock's son, also called Spock, It is filled with coincidences that make it totally unbelievable. By chance, two women are transported across thousands of light-years to Sarpeidon's glacial period. By chance, the crew of the Enterprise can see their doings once in a while on the viewscreen By chance, They run into Spock, Jr.

One of the two marooned women starts sleeping with Spock, Jr. The scene is so bad it's funny:

"Oh, so you know!
"It's not exactly a secret"
"Well, we could share."
"No, he prefers you. Enjoy him while you can, Sue."
After Sabrina went to bed, Spock asked, "What is wrong between the two of you?"
"..Go to her, Spock. If you love me, you will do this for me."
"No, I have committed myself to you, Sue!"
"Please? For me?"

How much more can you take? By chance, Sabrina leaves the two lovers to their own privacy, and by chance. she finds another cave half a mile from theirs, and By chance, Sue gets killed, and Spock, Jr. gets injured, so she ends up moving back in with him and of course she ends up in bed with Spock Jr, because he got drunk on the 'fire-plants' she ease her menstrual cramps. Then she cries "I'm a virgin!" and he rapes her. She forgives him, and they fall in love, and she has a dream about his death, and what do you know? He dies! So she gets rescued by the Enterprise... This sort of garbage is definitely the work of an adolescent mind.

"Off Duty'" is a rape fantasy, where Mr. Spock has his way with Ms. Black, and it isn't the least bit sexy.

The next piece, by L.W. Kayne, is entitled "Desert Soliloquy" Why, I'm not sure, since it's not a soliloquy. It's not even Star Trek. Fortunately, it's also not even a full page.

"The Fountain Witch" has Spock impregnating a planet's resident witch so that some sort of spring will return. Spock is possessed and thinks it's all a dream. Not terribly bad; in fact, bearable. Ms. Black seems to be obsessed with rape. In this one Spock gets it.

I was extremely disappointed by this fanzine. I would not recommend it to any Star Trek fan unless she wants to be overwhelmed by some of the worst Treklit fandom has to offer. Quality rating (on a scale of 1 - 100) is 22/23, and that is only for "The Fountain Witch"! [2]

Issue 2

Sarpeidon 2 contains 134 pages was published in 1982.

front cover of issue #2, Michelle Hanlon
back cover of issue #2, Mary K. Curran?

The art is by Michelle Hanlon, Mary K. Curran, Lorraine Gaudreault, and Lou Taylor.

This issue contains a nude centerfold of Spock featuring fra'ls.

  • Editor's Lock (1)
  • Dedications (2)
  • Sarpeidon, part two by Brenda L. Black (3)
  • Color Him Grandfather by Brenda L. Black (22)
  • Lost Christmas's by Lou Taylor (25)
  • On Silent Feet by Mary K. Curran (a post-Wrath of Khan novelette) (31)
  • Star Trek Circle the Word Puzzle (46)
  • Star Trek Fill-In (47)
  • Famous Last Words by Mary K. Curran, Lee and Vicki Pennell (49)
  • The Advance Guard by Mary K. Curran and Lee S. Pennell (51)
  • A Question of Love by by Brenda L. Black (a Sarek story that deals with life without Amanda) (63)
  • Call of the Stars, poem by Lou Taylor (67)
  • The Proposal by A.E. Anderson (68)
  • Walls of Stone, poem by Lou Taylor (70)
  • Triumvirate, poem by Lorraine Gaudreault (71)
  • I Wish, poem by by Brenda L. Black (71)
  • When the Moon is Full, part one by Brenda L. Black (72)
  • A Rose for Jim by Brenda L. Black (73)
  • The Letter by Brenda L. Black (75)
  • One Brief Moment by Brenda L. Black (76)
  • Alone, poem by Lorraine Gaudreault and Lou Taylor (79)
  • When the Moon is Full, part two by Brenda L. Black (80)
  • Centerfold of Spock
  • Vulcan Muse by Brenda L. Black (82)
  • My Friend, and You Will Always Be, poem by Lou Taylor (83)
  • Reflections by Mary K. Curran (84)
  • The Admiral's Meditation by Brenda L. Black and Mary K. Curran (85)
  • I Never Got to Tell You Good-Bye, poem by Mary K. Curran (86)
  • When the Moon is Full, part three by Brenda L. Black (87)
  • Cartoon Madness (88)
  • One Hot Vulcan Day by Brenda L. Black (103)
  • Ballad of Chris Pike by Brenda L. Black (104)
  • What Once Was, poem by Lou Taylor (106)
  • The Perils of Lt. Mary Sue!? by "You and Me" (a parody: Mary Sue saves the day, the Big Three all want her, but she doesn't want them because... she's a... lesbian!) (107)
  • A Three Day Pass by Mary K. Curran, Lee S. Pennell and Brenda L. Black (111)
  • Tradition of Honor! by Brenda L. Black (122)
  • All This, not credited (126)
  • At the End of the Universe not credited (127)
  • Stardate Advertisement (128)
  • Sarpeidon Advertisement (129)
  • You Ordered This Fanzine Because (130)


  1. ^ [1] from the online summary
  2. ^ from Grip #15