The SS/HP Prophet

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Newsletter Community
Name: The SS/HP Prophet
Date(s): August 13, 2005 – September 2023 (last update)
Moderator: accioslash, alisanne, lilyseyes, magic_helmet
Founder: atrata
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: SS/HP Prophet at LJ
SS/HP Prophet at IJ
SS/HP Prophet at DW

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The SS/HP Prophet is an journal newsletter dedicated to the Snape/Harry ship, tentatively scheduled to appear on the Stag and Doe (link) mailing list on Wednesdays and Sundays.

The profile lists all the types of links and information to be included in the newsletter:

Fic: Both one-shots and WsIP will be accepted. If it's the latter, we'll announce new chapters. We will also link to pre-slash and gen stories, as long as there is a significant focus on the Snape-Harry relationship. These stories will be marked as such, but please understand that what constitutes a 'significant focus' is up to the editor's discretion.

Art: Natural and digital media, photo manipulations, 3D renders. Also icons, banners and wallpapers. Doujinshi and comics. Fanvids.

Essays: Formal and informal essays about Snape and Harry. Discussions, questions and theories.

Recs: LJ posts with at least five Snape/Harry recs. Updates of recs lists or websites. New recs lists or websites that rec lots of Snape/Harry.

Searches: We won't link to very general searches ("I'm looking for Snarry fics"), but we will link to specific ones ("I'm looking for BDSM fics with sub!Snape").

Archives: Snape/Harry-centric archive news and updates.

RPGs: We'll link to new RPGs that will have a Snape/Harry focus. Additionally, if a current RPG develops some Snape/Harry slash, we'll link to that.

Anything else: If it's Snape/Harry-related, we want to know about it.[1]


The newsletter was founded on Livejournal in August 2005 by atrata. The first post was on August 14, 2005.[2] At that time, atrata stated the newsletter's policy about not linking to locked personal posts, but asked a question about whether to include links to locked posts in communities such as hpchan: "I mean, people post in locked comms for mostly legal reasons, yeah? They don't want the wider world to know they write chan? I write chan, and don't much care who knows, so I'm kind of at a loss about this one."

The newsletter moved primarily to InsaneJournal in September 2007 due to concerns about LiveJournal's policies following strikethrough/boldthrough and pornish_pixies getting suspended from livejournal. The mods at sshp_prophet were particularly concerned about the lack of information on how LiveJournal interpreted its policy forbidding links to underage content posted elsewhere.[3]

In 2007, the mods were murklins, magic_helmet, atrata and snapetoy.[3] Over the years many moderators and editors were replaced or left the SS/HP Prophet.

A feed allows livejournal readers to continue to follow the newsletter. It is still active as of March 2023.


  1. ^ sshp_prophet: Profile (accessed 18 November 2012)
  2. ^ First post by SS/HP Prophet on Insanejournal, by atrata.
  3. ^ a b The SS/HP Prophet has moved, Archived version, posted to livejournal by snapetoy, 01 September 2007. (accessed August 7, 2021)