Society for Earthbound Vulcans

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Fan Club
Name: Society for Earthbound Vulcans
Dates: founded in June 1973
Founder(s): Geri Gralowski (or Graleaski) and Dianne Hudson (1973)
Leadership: William Lowe (beginning in 1980)
Country based in: New York, US
Focus: Star Trek: TOS, with a Kraith focus
External Links:
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Society for Earthbound Vulcans was a Star Trek: TOS fan club with a Kraith focus.

a 1975 membership card

In 1976, it had 26 members. In late 1979, it had 89 members.

From a 1980 blurb: "The "Society for Earthbound Vulcans" (SEV) is under new management; the head elder is now William Lowe (Solei). Subscriptions to the newsletter, Mind-Meld, comes with membership of $5/year." [1]

An Early Influential Member

Jacqueline Lichtenberg was an early member. Lichtenberg used this club and its newsletter, Mind-Meld, as a platform to promote her universe, Kraith.

Lichtenberg also stated in "Mind-Meld" that she considered herself Vulcan: "In fact, many people suspect I am Vulcan, and I never claimed to be human." and "It is no secret that I consider myself half-Vulcan & half Darkovan, and the Kraith series is a strong parallel to the Darkover series deliberately." are both quotes from her 1974 essay, Why a Human Should Not Desire to Become Vulcan.


The Society is based on the Vulcan life style and philosophies, and the members live this way of life as best they can, and according to T'pelafx (Joy Felton) [2], they don't have too many problems, if any, on the count of this way of life. Their art is that of the Vulcans, as is their poetry and other writings. The Vulcan architecture presented here is just a sampling of their work.

No one under the age of 13 may enter into this fellowship as a full member. Instead he/she undergoes tests as part of what is called a Warder-Liege Compact.

The Society covers Canada and the United States and is in contact with many other clubs and organizations in these areas and from other countries as well. [3]



  1. ^ The Space Gamer #30
  2. ^ also "T'Pela" in other fanworks
  3. ^ from Flight of the Phoinix #1