SEALed With a Kiss

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Title: SEALed With a Kiss
Author(s): qblackheart
Date(s): 13 September 2011
Length: about 33K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: SEALed With a Kiss (AO3)

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SEALed With a Kiss is a Steve/Danny story by qblackheart. It won the 2012 Hawaii Five-0 Ohana Favorite Awards in the category "Favorite Steve/Danny - Genre: Romance".[1]

Summary: It started with a kiss. A kiss so simple, it complicated everything. One kiss – eye-opening, heart-pounding, soul-stirring – was all it took. It reminded Steve of an old proverb he’d heard on one of those missions he’d never tell anyone about: Kissing is like drinking salted water; you drink, and your thirst increases. Danny’s thoughts could be summed up by something his Ma once told him: I ran up the door, opened the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers, turned off my bed, tumbled into my light, and all because…he kissed me goodnight.

Recs and Reviews

This fic has the absolute best Danny/Steve banter I’ve possibly ever read. In addition to being sweet and warm and terribly satisfying in every way imaginable, I found myself literally laughing outloud at just how perfect the voices were for all the characters. Everything resolves just as you want it to in a fashion you never expect, but along the way you get to enjoy Steve being utterly ass over teakettle for Danny and vice versa. (Plus adorable Steve/Danny + Gracie moments!)[2]

SEALed with a kiss is one of my favourite fics because of how well the characters are represented. It doesn’t have a huge important plot, you don’t have mysteries, or plot twists,etc… But for me, this fic is so great because of the way Danny and Steve are written, and it’s perfect because of its simplicity. Their voices, and their characterization are spot on, and the way they find their way together is just so THEM. I love this fic, because I could see this story happening in canon (and let’s face it, our boys are already practically canon already). The progression of the fic is so natural, and when I ended the fic, I couldn’t help but believe in what I was reading. Their banter is just perfect, and the author managed to paint these two as a couple, in a realistic manner. Both Danny and Steve are still so them in this fic, but they also fit so perfectly together[3]

I adored this fic. The slow, aching romance, the exquisite banter, and the best epilogue I've ever seen. If you like McDanno, you'll like this. I highly recommend it.[4]

Because SEALed with a kiss might’ve been the best/in character/possible to happen in canon fic ever written in the H50 fandom.[5]

The banter is exquisite, the pace tantalising but not dragging, and the glimpses of outsider POV bring a humour that makes you smile almost the whole time you’re reading it. [6]


  1. ^ Ohana Favorite Awards 2012 - WINNERS, 28 May 2012. (Accessed 19 May 2016)
  2. ^ fuckyeahmcdanno. fic: SEALed With A Kiss. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  3. ^ "May 30, 2014 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2022-05-25.
  4. ^ "Hawaii Five-O Recs, Steve/Danny, April 9, 2013 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2022-05-25.
  5. ^ "Bubbles's endless Fic rec list (4/∞) McDanno (Hawaii Five-0)". Archived from the original on 2022-05-25.
  6. ^ "Awesome Fics". Archived from the original on 2022-05-25.