Roswell Elementary

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Title: Roswell Elementary
Author(s): Kara and Emily
Genre(s): het, fluff
Fandom(s): Roswell
External Links:
See Geocities website via Wayback

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Roswell Elementary is a Roswell fic set when the Pod Squad was in fifth grade. It was located on Roswell Underground before the site went down.

The Roswell Elementary series involved canon shipping, a lot of fluff, and a tendency to refer to Michael and Maria as "Dorkbutt" and "Cheesehead". Any mention made of Mr. Radish or radishes in Roswell fandom can most likely be traced back to the Roswell Elementary series.

Awards Won

Reactions & Reviews

"Roswell Elementary series ... which was a defining Candy story in terms of things like Maria calling Michael "cheesehead"."[1]

