Rory is The Master

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Fan Theory
Fan Theory: Rory is The Master
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Dates: 2012
"on the left half of is a smiling Simm!Master's face on a orange background; on the right is half of a sad looking Rory's face on a blue background."
Of course. Who else. by sympathyforthedragon (2012), fanart illustrating the theory
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Rory is The Master was a fan theory in Doctor Who fandom that posits that Rory Williams, one of the Eleventh Doctor's companions, was The Master. There are some variations of the theory, but the most common one was that Rory was The Master fobwatched. In canon Time Lords can, in times of crisis, put their memories into a pocket watch, then live full human lives never knowing they were Time Lords until some day when they open the watch.

Some evidence given for theory by Tumblr user midnightmanifesto are:

-Rory showed no surprise to the TARDIS being bigger on the inside. This is invariably the first thing that people tend to be shocked by.

-Rory has died and died and died again, once even being erased from the entirety of space-time. He always comes back.

-In “The God Complex” Rory is the only one who does not have a room filled with his fears. When the Doctor opens the room with HIS fears, hesays “Of course it was you.” and we hear the TARDIS distress signal, which was only ever heard before when the Master stole the TARDIS.

-Most compellingly, I think, is that in “Lets Kill Hitler,” when River Song regenerates in front of them and Rory is for the first time exposed to raw time energy, he immediately complains about a “Banging in my head.” The Master has always heard the sound of drums in his head. Moffat does not throw shit like that out pointlessly.

-Rory’s daughter, River Song, is half-Time Lord. I was always a bit suspicious about the explanation that it was because she was conceived in the TARDIS during midflight through the Time Vortex. As many characters made a point of mentioning, it really isn’t that easy to make a Time Lord.

-Finally, we never really got a good explanation as to how the cracks in the skin of the universe formed. We know they are closely related to Amy Pond. We know Rory is also. The Master was presumed dead, how else would he get back?[1]

The theory seems to have become popular in 2012, with the oldest Reddit thread about it taking place on March 25, 2012[2], although the poster mentions seeing rumours going around about it before this date. This theory may have been a way to explain the absence of The Master, who does not make any appearances in the entirety of the Eleventh Doctor's run. Many believers in the theory thought at some point, in an exciting plot twist, Rory would find and open his pocket watch, realize his true identity and it would be devastating for Amy and the Doctor. The theory was much discussed in the fandom[3][4][5], with some liking the it, while others hated it, thinking it undermined Rory's character[6].

Ultimately, the theory turned out not to be true, Amy and Rory left the series together in series 7 and the characters never returned, and The Master returned as Missy in Twelve's run. Although, the theory did still float around the fandom for a few years after Rory left the series[7].
