River Rising

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: River Rising
Author(s): Martha Selena Brown
Date(s): 1988
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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River Rising is a K/S story by Martha Selena Brown.

It was published in the print zine First Time #19.

by Suki for "Rising River"


From the publisher: "Kirk has hysterical amnesia and paralysis after an accident."


"He didn't know why he was running his finger over the outline of Spock's mouth; whys were among the many things he wasn't worried about. The deep brown eyes looking at him, the strong hands holding one of his, were a source of infinite satisfaction and he smiled as his finger traced again those precise lips, now open."

Reactions and Reviews

In this story, I felt that Kirk's amnesia in that he didn't want to remember was a good, sound reason. But what I liked best was there was a lot of conversation, which I enjoy when it is as well-done as this was. Especially McCoy and Spock - their conversation about masturbation was wonderfully done - funny, true, and completely believable. McCoy's inappropriate desire to laugh when he realized that Spock didn't know was perfect! Spock's quick reversion to his Vulcan self when Kirk regained his memory showed quite well his realization that Kirk was not quite willing or able to accept such a relationship. And the epilogue very nicely settled everything. [1]

This is probably the author's most well-balanced story. It contained good plotting, dialogue, and descriptions. Like most of Ms. Brown's story, the narrator provides good details without interrupting the flow of the story (a trait I greatly admire). It also had a very "different" feel to it—with Kirk behaving so childlike. Very original. I can't say that I'm pleased with the ending. It's too sad, even though they eventually ended up together. [2]

This is a story I read and reread. One feels Spock's reactions strongly throughout the story. I also like the fact that Uhura is the one who knows what will sway the Captain. This is a tightly written story with no loose ends. [3]

Kirk has an accident after Edith Keeler and has lost his memory. His legs are paralyzed and he is in a childlike mental state. Spock has to take over command of the Enterprise until they can find out what's wrong with Kirk. McCoy explains there's nothing physically wrong, that Kirk wants to be like this so that he can be with Spock.

Wonderful dilemma—Spock gets to have Kirk also, gets to kiss him and be with him, yet can't have him as a captain and a whole person. A great scene happens when Spock kisses Kirk and runs to his quarters with a (excuse the expression) full-blown erection. He studies himself and thinks of Kirk and ejaculates.

Some neat ideas are put forth by McCoy about the different levels of love. Spock is experiencing the highest level—he'd die for Kirk.

Sorry — I don't mind an innocent and virginal Spock, but pul-eez! He doesnt know anything about masturbating or even has a remote clue about sexuality. Of course, McCoy has to tell him. Alert, alert! McCoy has to tell Spock about sex! Aaargh!

But there's an absolutely heartbreaking scene as Spock tells Kirk he loves him and then makes him forget. So poignant and so beautiful but slightly weakened by the epilogue. Emotionally. I was glad for the epilogue, but dramatically it hurt the story.

But still—what a marvelous story—filled with intensity of emotions. [4]

Time: just after the Guardian and Kirk still has problems dealing with Edith's death.

Kirk has had an accident: during a routine inspection of Engineering he fell. His legs are paralyzed and he suffers from selective amnesia. Physically he is healed, but McCoy thinks he doesn't want to be able to walk and remember again. In a discussion with Spock, McCoy explains why and what Spock can do about it. And of course Spock is always willing to help his captain in every way. But it is not an easy way, and Spock finds himself in bed with his captain. At last, he tries a mind meld during love making and that brings Kirk back to reality. Kirk, now wholly himself, has difficulties dealing with the sudden switch of their relationship and asks Spock to remove the memories of them being lovers to start all over again.

The epilogue is years later when a certain admiral and captain remember the past together. They have bonded two days ago and remember that first time, while making love.

I like this Spock, I would have wanted to know how he was dealing with starting all over again with loving Kirk, however. The epilogue suggested that it took them a long time to come together again and I feel sorry for Spock to have to wait for so long!

McCoy is very nice and real here; his relation with Spock is good portrayed. Kirk is a little vague though, and of course out of character most of the time because he is not in his right mind.

A nice story, well written and worth reading again. [5]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #2
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #2
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #11
  4. ^ from Come Together
  5. ^ from The K/S Press #51