Revelations (Hanson story)

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Title: Revelations
Author(s): Nat
Date(s): 2006-2008
Length: 18 chapters
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Revelations and Revelation

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Revelations is a Hanson fanfic written by Nat and originally titled just Revelation.

From the author's own summary:

For years, Taylor Hanson has been accused of being a homosexual, and he’s used to it by now, right? Well, what happens when people close to him start to wonder if maybe all of those accusers are right? This is a story following Taylor’s struggle to find himself amidst the pressures of celebrity life and life in general that leaves everyone with one big question: Is he, or isn’t he?

The story is the only slash story written by Nat, and one that deals with Taylor's struggles in a way that attempts to be both humorous and realistic.


Revelations won awards in the Fools Banquet Awards and Thieves and Liars Awards. It was eliminated in round three of Last Story Standing, and is featured in the Your Illusion top five lists.