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Title: Repercussions
Author(s): Scifichick774
Date(s): Aug. 31st, 2007 - last chapter added Mar. 23rd, 2012[1]
Length: epic, 40 chapters but still WIP
Genre(s): Draco/Hermione, Rated M, Drama/Angst, no spoilers past OoTP, References to N/C
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: LJ link, Granger Enchanted link (currently not available)

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Repercussions is a WIP Draco/Hermione fanfic by Scifichick774.

Author's Summary

Post Hogwarts by about a year. Draco and Hermione must face the consequences of one night’s events..

Comments & Reviews

"Before I say anything else, I have to remind you guys that rape in real life isn’t at all romantic. Fiction isn’t reality. So keep that in mind if you decide to read this fic. I found this fic very well written, with very believable characters – the troubled Hermione, the obsessive Draco, the oblivious Ron and his irritating fiancé. Despite a potentially disturbing theme, I actually found myself really enjoying this fic."[2]

"This rec is an unusual one for me. For starters, this epic-length story is still a WIP. ... However, the real reason this is an unusual rec for me is based on the moral ambiguity of the fic. In it, Draco has raped Hermione while drunk, fathering a magical child at a time when only 1 in 10 wizarding pregnancies are resulting in a magical child. Hermione is quickly forced by the ministry and the Malfoys to consider marriage to her rapist. I have major issues with this concept and generally avoid rape fics for that reason. Rape is not romantic and it’s not the basis for a solid marriage, no matter what certain romance or erotica stories might imply.

But this story isn’t a sweet romance. It’s about the hard issues that result from this act and how Hermione and Draco come to terms with what occurred and with what’s best for all involved in the future. To be fair, the rape in this story is motivated by drunken, out-of-control, love-driven lust; it’s not the so-called typical crime driven by hate and a desire to degrade and exert power over the victim. But it’s still a rape and therefore Hermione has some serious psychological issues to address. Draco, too, is suddenly forced to take a hard look at the selfish individual he’s grown to be and to ask himself if he’s capable of becoming a better man, even knowing that his efforts may not result in Hermione ever forgiving him.

In fact, you’ll find that the depictions of all the characters are handled in a similar way. Although the author isn’t a fan of Ron, she explores his character thoughtfully, gives justification for any of his behavior which deviates from canon, and allows him the chance to let his choices define him, just as with the protagonists in this story.

... The question of abortion is also a significant plot point at the start of this story. Again, the author does a good job of taking an honest look at this issue with an eye towards the moral, psychological and sociological implications. Nearly every character displays a certain degree of double standards in their varied opinions on abortion, which makes the handling of this issue much more interesting here. And although this is normally a topic I avoid in fanfics, I found myself very intrigued by the stark manner in which the author addressed this.

So I am recommending this story because of the way the author takes such an honest look at some hard issues rather than overly-romanticizing them. At the same time, as one who is angst-phobic, I also am impressed with how the author keeps this from being a depressing, overly-intense tale. There is enough interesting plot making up the bulk of the story that I did not find the tale overwhelming at all."[3]

"Aww I really like this, gets sort of complicated in places and a little occ but the idea was brilliant nad the machinations of the Malfoys is brilliant."[4]



  1. ^ Chapter 40
  2. ^ Dramione Forever Review
  3. ^ Gioia Recs review. Also found at Know It Alls.
  4. ^ Fic Reccs by faythbrady. posted March 16th, 2012.