Remember Him

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Title: Remember Him
Author(s): Morgan Logan
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Remember Him is a Starsky/Hutch story by Morgan Logan.

It was published in Dangerous Lives, Dangerous Visions #3 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Now, if you recall, I'd mentioned I'll read death fic if I'm in the proper mood. This would be one of those stories. Years have gone by. Starsky has passed away and Hutch has written a book about their partnership. His reasons for doing so come clear as the story progresses. He is interviewed by a young, out and proud gay man who at first feels a bit superior to the older, more closeted man. But gradually, as he hears more about Starsky and Hutch and their love story, the reporter begins to understand and sympathize. This story breaks my heart in the best possible way. Molo gives our boys a life together. We don't get to read about the details in this universe. But we do get to see what remains. Have tissues at the ready.[1]


  1. ^ from Angst –- Ancasta