Reflected Revelations

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Title: Reflected Revelations
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Reflected Revelations is a Kirk/Spock story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #1.


"After a conversation with the mirror Kirk, Spock goes to his own captain and requests his aid in procurring a sexual partner."

Reactions and Reviews


This is told in dialogue. About six pages is Kirk talking to McCoy, and the last page is Kirk talking to Spock. Though I enjoyed it, I remain a bit unsure of why the author chose to tell it that way instead of more directly, especially since most of what Kirk tells McCoy is his conversation with Spock. Parts of Kirk's talk sound as if he's writing the story rather than telling it to a friend, too. I liked the idea that the Mirror counterparts couldn't bond, but I would have liked it explained a little: what about the harshness of their world prevents it? A nice short little story - I liked seeing "our" guys in a Mirror Universe related story and what-happened-next to them. Somewhat predictable but still enjoyable. [1]


This story is set in our universe, about our Kirk and Spock. Over drinks, Kirk confides to McCoy that Spock has asked him to “fix him up.” Confused and upset, he spills the entire story to the doctor. How, after their return from the mirror universe, Spock started getting closer to him, how they began spending even more time together. One night he noticed that Spock was preoccupied. Wanting to help, he tells Spock how much of a friend he is, and that as his friend, he could tell him anything. Without knowing why, this ends up pushing Spock away, and the Vulcan begins avoiding him. Finally, after several weeks of this, Spock comes to his cabin and tells Kirk that he wishes to experience sex and asks if Kirk could help arrange it. The conversation degenerates from there, with Spock fleeing the room after noting to Kirk’s inquiry that he “did not specify female.”

McCoy is pretty sure he knows what’s going on. Questioning Kirk as to why it would bother him so much that Spock would desire sex, it finally comes out that both Spock and McCoy, Spock from his conversations with the mirror Kirk, McCoy from his forced meld with the mirror Spock, discovered that Kirk and Spock’s counterparts are lovers. Now it’s up to Kirk to decide what it is he wants.

It doesn’t take him long. As he realizes that he knows where Spock is, he takes off for the OD. Knowing that words alone won’t bridge the gulf between them, he asks Spock to meld with him.

There’s no sex in this short story, but it’s not really missed. The ending is very satisfying as you know that the bonding both desire, something their counterparts, living where they do, can never have, is only a scene away. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #3
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #77