Rebellion (fanfiction)

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Title: Rebellion
Author(s): Jeremy Sadler
Date(s): 1995, 1996, 2024
Length: three parts
Genre(s): science fiction, war
Fandom(s): Star Wars
External Links: Archive Of Our Own

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First double-spread pages of Rebellion in Alliance Issue 1.
First double-spread pages of Rebellion in Alliance Issue 1.

Rebellion is a three-part Star Wars spy thriller fan fiction written by Jeremy Sadler. It was published in Alliance in Issue 1 (1995), Issue 2 (1995) and Issue 3 (1996).


Maxwell Entares is the newly-appointed Captain of the Star Destroyer Devastator. One of the youngest officers to be appointed to such an illustrious position, he worries about his capabilities. He commands the interception of Princess Leia's consular ship Tantive IV, then witnesses the destruction of Alderaan, his home world. Shaken by the destruction and concerned about the Empire's power, he begins to doubt his loyalty and schemes of a way to pass on vital intelligence to the Rebellion.

The story is told entirely from Entares' point-of-view except for a short section toward the end, told from the perspective of Nahdonnis Praji.


  • Maxwell Entares, newly-promoted Captain of the Star Destroyer Devastator.
  • Commander Nahdonnis Praji[1], a canon character, First Officer of the Devastator. In the original printed version this character is "Henri Raccine".
  • Lieutenant Commander Lorth Needa[2], a canon character, Second Officer of the Devastator. In the original printed version this character is "Gat Needa".
  • Darth Vader
  • Princess Leia Organa
  • Lieutenant Stefan Kylten
  • Emperor Palpatine (cameo)

Canon interactions

  • Entares commands the Devastator during the intercept of the Tantive IV (as seen at the start of Star Wars: A New Hope).
  • The events of Rogue One are referenced.
  • The Devastator's First and Second Officers are canon characters. In the original printing these characters have non-canon names.
  • Entares accompanies Darth Vader on board the Tantive IV in a word-for-word recreation of film scenes.
  • Entares witnesses the destruction of the planet Alderaan, his home world.
  • Entaries participates in the investigation of Dantooine, the Rebel base revealed by Leia to Grand Moff Tarkin.

Canon Contradictions

Written in 1995, the story contradicts some canon existing at the time, such as the uniforms of Imperial personnel. Later canon additions, such as the events depicted in the movie Rogue One, also contradict the original printed version.

Alternate Versions

In 2024, the story was reviewed and updated and published on Archive Of Our Own. Character names and some events have been updated to reflect later canon changes.

Allusions to Force sensitivity

Entares has a dream in which Emperor Palpatine appears, is shown anticipating the attack of a guard droid in the abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine, and reacts to the destruction of Alderaan in much the same way as Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Darren Maxwell, in Alliance Issue 2, writes:

I thought this was not only a very good story, but it was a good one to kick off the 'zine, especially as it dealt with the introduction of Star Wars from a different view point. I always have niggles about bad guys who start to become good guys, as the end of this first part was suggesting, however I am definitely intereted in seeing how it develops, quietly hoping that Captain Entares remains loyal to the Empire. I also liked the connection with the two unnamed Imperial Officers from the beginning of Star Wars "Holding her is dangerous..." (for in "Rebellion" those two officers are the main characters), although I think most Imperial Empire afficianados would agree that the black uniform is for Imperial Security and not the army/navy. Therefore a Star Destroyer Captain would not change to a black uniform just to go into combat. However that aside I thought it was a very clever way to cross in real film and fan story, with the lines spoken in the film word perfect. Excellent stuff.[3]


The end of the printed story promises "Watch for Rebellion 2 - Coming Soon!" but a sequel has not been published.

External Links

Archive Of Our Own.


  1. ^ Nahdonnis Praji, Wookieepedia
  2. ^ Lorth Needa, Wookieepedia
  3. ^ Maxwell, Darren. "Issue 1 Review", Alliance No. 2 p. 35.