Reach a Little Bit Higher

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Title: Reach a Little Bit Higher
Author(s): Catherine
Date(s): 31 July 1998 (archive date The Basement)
Length: ~12,100 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Reach a Little Bit Higher (The Basement)

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Reach a Little Bit Higher is a Mulder/Krycek story by Catherine. It is dedicated to torch "in the fond but probably fanciful hope that the flattery will make her hurry up with Ghosts III."[1]

Summary: Krycek drops in on Mulder after a long absence and finds a kink in his plan for a night of passion.

Recs and Reviews

Part-Time-Lover!Krycek drops by apartment 42 only to find that the situation has changed drastically. The story breaks off very suddenly and will probably never be finished, but I think it's worth reading anyway.[2]


  1. ^ Catherine. Reach a Little Bit Higher, story header. (Accessed 04 April 2015)
  2. ^ Worlds Enough. Sylvia's X-Files Slash Recs. (Accessed 04 April 2015)