Private Performance

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Title: Private Performance
Author(s): HG
Date(s): 1985 or before
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Private Performance is a Bodie/Doyle story by HG.

It is a circuit story, and it was published in HG Collected #2.

It is a story on The 1985 Hatstand Express Top Ten Lists.

Reactions and Reviews

One of my favorite (and I think, one of the best) "first-time" B/D stories I've read. I like the way it was handled — nice, easy, relaxed, with B & D coming to their 'realisation' during a quiet night in of good food, wine, comfortable company, and X-rated videos. It's nice to read a "first time" story where there isn't a lot of agonizing and *strife* going down—this was very pleasant and enjoyable. [1]
