Precious Metals

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Title: Precious Metals
Author(s): StrikerEureka
Date(s): April 10 - July 24, 2018
Length: 73.3k (over three parts)
Genre(s): slash, horror
Fandom(s): BuzzFeed Unsolved
External Links: Series page on AO3, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Precious Metals is a series written by StrikerEureka for the BuzzFeed Unsolved fandom. The series, which focuses on the Ryan Bergara/Shane Madej pairing and features the ever-popular Demon!Shane trope, is one of the most popular in the fandom. Its first part, I'm clean out of air in my lungs, currently (as of July 2022) has the highest hit and kudos count of any fic in the Unsolved fandom on AO3.


The Precious Metals series is spread across three fics. The first and most popular, posted on April 10, 2018, is I'm clean out of air on my lungs.

Ryan and Shane have been moving around something that is coming to a head between them. After a car accident, on the way to an investigation, Ryan slowly starts to become suspicious that Shane might not be what he seems. He realizes, though, that he just might not care.

The second part, released on May 8, is These are what they call hard feelings.

With the truth about Shane's demonic origin out, Ryan and Shane have to learn how to make their developing relationship work, and what the future holds for them and Unsolved.

The third and final part, You can feel it on the way home, is the only non-oneshot in the series. It was completed on July 24, 2018.

Something has noticed Ryan and it isn’t content to just watch and wait. While Shane attempts to share his true sight with Ryan, things begin to quickly fall apart. Ryan thinks he’s losing his grip on reality and Shane takes entirely too long to figure out what’s really at play. They’re closer to one another than ever before, but it might not stay that way if they can’t beat what is coming for them.