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Personal Voyages

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Title: Personal Voyages
Publisher: Unicorn Press
Editor(s): Brenda Shaffer-Shiring
Date(s): 1994
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: TNG
Language: English
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cover by Christine Myers

Personal Voyages is a gen 118-page Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: TNG anthology with fiction from the USS Potemkin’s long-running Writer’s Workshop.

1993 flyer

The cover art is by Christine Myers.

Description from a Flyer

From a flyer printed in a 1993 issue of Power Star:

Some of the finest writers in Trek fandom have never been published -- until now!

Join the talented neo-authors -- and a couple of experienced writers, too -- of Starfleet's U.S.S. Potemkin Writers' Workshop as they make their mark on fan fiction with the Workshop's first-ever fanzine, Personal Voyages. This all-original collection of Classic and Next Gen stories will make you laugh, make you cry -- and make you wonder where the heck some of these gifted authors have been hiding all these years!


Some adult language, no age statement required.

Note that there are three stories listed on the flyer that are not in the zine.

  • Virus by Terri Graham ("A deadly artificial "Virus" threatens Spock's life, and Kirk, McCoy and an irascible doctor join forces to locate the cure - and the Vulcan's would-be murderer.")
  • Back from the Knife's Edge by Brenda Shaffer (this may have been re-titled "Rage Against the Dying of the Light") ("Driven by a private pain, Lt. Jean-Luc Picard provokes a deadly fight on Starbase Earhart, leaving his friend Jack Crusher to pull him 'Back from the Knife's Edge.'")
  • Sarek's Passing by Betty Dain (this may have been re-titled "A Mother's Love") ("'Sarek's Passing' forces Spock to come to germs with his father's feelings for him, and his own for Sarek.")


  • Up Close and Personal (editorial) (2)
  • Back from the Knife's Edge (TNG) by Brenda Shaffer (Ensign Jack Crusher struggles to learn what prompted Picard's near-fatal fight with three Nausicaans. Reprinted in The Winds of Limbo) (4)
  • The Gift of Love by Pat Zimmerman ("Data takes another step toward humanity thanks to "The Gift" only his daughter, LAL, could give him.") (Star Trek: TNG) (20)
  • Undercover Angel by Kathleen Speck ("A Starfleet security agent proves to be on "Undercover Angel" when Kirk and the Enterprise meet up a Klignon ship in an encounter that could lead to war -- or peace.") (Star Trek: TOS) (23)
  • Sarek's Passing by Betty Dain (Star Trek: TNG) (34)
  • Surprise, Surprise! by Charles H. Shiring ("Picard finds no "Surprise, Surprise!" in Romulan plans to attack a Borg-weakened Starfleet.") (Star Trek: TNG) (37)
  • The Terror of Titanosaurus by Lawrence Mohney ("An Enterprise lieutenant enlists Kirk and Company's help to save Japan, and the Federation.") (Star Trek: TOS) (41)
  • See No Evil by Suzanne K. Stewart (Star Trek: TNG) (58)
  • Against the Dying of the Light by Brenda Shaffer ((Set in the "Yesterday's Enterprise" timeline. What—and who—is Picard willing to risk to bring peace to his universe? Reprinted in The Winds of Limbo.) (Star Trek: TNG) (74)
  • A Mother's Love by Betty Dain (Star Trek: TOS) (77)
  • No Win by Owen Michael (The author is listed as Zen Von Stock on the flyer.) ("Cadet Benjamin Stock finds himself in a "No Win" situation when he faces the choice of being expelled from Starfleet Academy, or helping Admiral Kirk defeat the Kobayashi Maru scenario.") (Star Trek: TOS) (82)
  • The Weird Landing by Patricia Speck (Star Trek: TOS) (97)
  • Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me by Charles H. Shiring (Star Trek: TNG) (102)
  • The Joke's on Data by Kathleen Speck (Star Trek: TNG) (102)
  • In Pursuit of Chocolate by Charles H. Shriing and the Potemkin Writers' Workshop (Star Trek: TNG) (104)
  • Mr. Riker Had a Ball by Robert Stouffer (Star Trek: TNG) (108)
  • Scenes from a Writers' Workshop (116)