Penalties and Rewards

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Title: Penalties and Rewards
Author(s): A.T. Bush
Date(s): 2007
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Penalties and Rewards is a Kirk/Spock story by A.T. Bush.

It was published in the print zine Legacy #5.


"Having had a male lover in the past, Spock is more than willing when Kirk tells him of his love."

Reactions and Reviews

I don‘t readily subscribe to the theory that Spock‘s had lovers – especially male lovers – prior to coming under the spell of one James T. Kirk. That is the premise used in this story, however, and since it is well written and fairly brimming with nice details of shipboard life and all the little gradations that make up the K-S relationship, it was easy on the eyes.

Lots of territory is covered, including a look at Spock‘s academy years and a smattering of memories from his childhood. All are insignificant when compared with the slow, easy realization Kirk and Spock have that love is sneaking up on them. I like their maturity, their complete ease with each other through all facets of their life together. They are portrayed as responsible adults with meaningful careers. I enjoy seeing them this way because it‘s so consistent with TOS.

There was lots of opportunity for pettiness, which thankfully never appeared. A spot of jealousy did surface on Kirk‘s part, easily dispelled by a Vulcan who has a welcome level of confidence in himself and his captain and friend.

A compelling scene occurred in a rec room filled with crew and entertainers, as Spock becomes absorbed in the music and, as an observer later says, plays his lyrette ―like a demon‖. The back story of how he came to possess this favored instrument is a nice piece of fanon I‘d like to hold onto, very well presented by the author.

A winter afternoon with snow flying through the air was warmed considerably by this entertaining story. [1]


  1. ^ by Ivy from The K/S Press #136