Past, Present, and Future

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For pages with a similar title, see Past, Present, Future.

Title: Past, Present, and Future
Author(s): Dana Austin Marsh
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Past, Present, and Future is a Kirk/Spock story by Dana Austin Marsh.

It was published in Charisma #7.


"M/U: Kirk denies Spock penetration in their lovemaking until he runs into a love from his past, in a situation he never would have dreamt of."

Reactions and Reviews


This M/U story began in an ordinary manner, but the plot presented a surprising twist midway through. It's not the first time that another individual has make Kirk and/or Spock realize how much they each need and value the other, but I believe it's the first time it's happened with the mirror characters. In any case, Willow's appearance made a very strong point. I liked Kirk's complexity in this story, though wish it would have been better explained why he was only interested in oral sex initially. The reader can only assume that he viewed intercourse — even if he was on top — as being in a vulnerable position. I was also impressed that Spock refrained from using the meld at the end. [1]

In this story we hear that Kirk is terrified of any suggestion of a mind meld — "Even the most casual touch by Spock anywhere near his face made him erupt in a volcano of terror-induced rage." But we don't see it. I wish we could. I also wish for a little more explanation of how seeing Willow helped Kirk see himself, and (especially) why seeing her made him fear losing Spock. It was less than clear to me, though probably quite plain to the author. But I enjoyed reading the story, and enjoyed re-reading it. [2]
