Maggie Nowakowska

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Name: Maggie Nowakowska
Alias(es): Pam Kowalski as illustrator (per Southern Enclave #50)
Type: Fan Writer, Fanzine Editor, Filker
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek
URL: Maggieno
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Maggie Nowakowska became active in media fandom in 1976 in Star Trek fandom, and later became a writer, illustrator (as Pam Kowalski), and zine editor in Star Wars fandom.

Her first Star Wars story was published in the first issue of the early Star Wars zine Skywalker edited by Bev Clark.

She later edited the parody zine JediStarDarkFalconKnight and published a three volume collection of her ThousandWorlds stories, Thousandworlds Collected. Her Star Wars filk songs can be found at the Corellian Embassy here.

Nowakowska has also documented the history of Star Wars letterzines in her article "The Incomparable Jundland Wastes." A copy can be found in pdf format here.

In 1991, Nowakowska was a fan guest of honor at AllianceCon. In 2019, Maggie and her large Star Wars fanzine collection were featured in Episode 2 of the documentary Looking For Leia: The Stories We Tell. [1]

In 2020, she contributed an essay about fanzine history to Geek Elders Speak, a small press publication anthology about female creativity in mid-20th century fandom. [2]

