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Pairing: Izzy (Total Drama)/Owen (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Owzy, Izzowen, OxI, IxO
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Canon from 2009 to 2010
Prevalence: Common Background Pairing
Archives: n/a
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Izzy/Owen, known mostly as Ozzy, is an popular pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Izzy and Owen, both prominent characters. It has been shipped since the first episode of Total Drama: Island (2007) before becoming canon during Total Drama: Action. Izzy would later break up with Owen in Total Drama: World Tour.

Izzy/Owen is often a Background Pairing in fanworks which feature them or otherwise only there to keep with canon. Still, there's been many fanworks made just for them, especially during the fandom's early years, (until 2012) Izzy/Owen is the most common pairing for both characters.

Common Tropes

  • Team E-Scope: Eva may be a mutual friend of theirs in fanworks if Team E-Scope is treated as a friend group. Noah, who's canonically friends with Owen, may also play a supporting role in Izzy/Owen works.

Izzy/Owen Fandom

In November, Ozzy Week is celebrated in r/Totaldrama. January 6th is Ozzy Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Art

Fan Fic

References/Further Reading