Otto von Chriek

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Name: Otto von Chriek
Occupation: Iconographer at The Times
Relationships: Sacharissa Cripslock(co-worker and friend), William de Worde (co-worker and friend)
Fandom: Discworld
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Otto von Chriek is a vampire from the Discworld novel “The Truth”, he makes small cameos in other discworld novels.

He is best known for his exaggerated Uberwald features and his passion for iconography.


Otto von Chriek/Sacharissa Cripslock/William de Worde



really love that the truth has become like. tumblr's darling disc book. i barely heard about it growing up but i log onto this website in 2023 and everyone is making otto fancams 🧛‍♂️💕

cosmicrhetoric on tumblr[1]

hey was there a better scene in all history of books than Otto Von Chriek tearing off his black ribbon after spending the entire book trying to be as non threatening and goofy as possible, actually reminding everyone that he is very much a monster, to go after his dear friend William’s dad, then stopping inches from tearing off his throat bc William thinks he’s a good person?

handern on tumblr [2]

Example Fanworks



  1. ^ cosmicrhetoric really love that the truth has become like. tumblr’s darling disc book. August 18, 2023 (retrieved June 18, 2024)
  2. ^ handern hey was there a better scene in all of history of books August 10, 2022 (retrieved June 18, 2024)