One Side

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: One Side
Author(s): Robin Hood
Date(s): 1985
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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One Side is a Kirk/Spock story by Robin Hood.

It was published in Impact.


"Humor: Kirk tries to tell Spock how he feels after Spockʼs aborted pon farr."

Reactions and Reviews

I am puzzled about why the author would write a story like this. We are shown half of a dialogue as if we were hearing one side of a phone conversation. The story includes only Kirk's words and Kirk's thoughts. Why exclude Spock's words and thoughts? Is it experimentation for the sake of experimenting? I don't think this is a successful experiment. Not only do I miss Spock's presence, but it was necessary for the author to summarize what Spock had said in Kirk's responses so the readers could make sense of the story. This makes for rather stilted conversation. [1]
