One Night Stand (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: One Night Stand
Author(s): P.T. Barnum
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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One Night Stand is a Starsky/Hutch story by P.T. Barnum.

It was published in Three-Eleven #2.

Reactions and Reviews

I found ‘One Night Stand’ refreshing – I don’t believe in that premise, because I ALWAYS want to see S&H as lovers, but I enjoyed seeing, for once, what WOULD happen if they tried a night of love, and then decided it might NOT be such a good thing for them. We don’t get to see this theme explored too often… [1]

There are too many interesting and thoughtful pieces in the new zines (3-11 and C7) to discuss at one time, but I'd like to comment on one story found in 3-11, called ONE NIGHT STAND. It deals with the question of what would happen if S&H tried being lovers - just once - and then, they decided that maybe it wasn't the best thing for them, or in the best interest of their partnership. But they also decided that this one experience wouldn't change anything about their feelings for each other, either. Don't get me wrong - I obviously believe in S/H and that's the relationship I always want to see for them: however, I'd also like to see more stories dealing with this situation. If they'd made love, just once, would it ruin their relationship forever, if they decided they couldn't continue with the physical side of it? Could they still really be "best friends" and love each other - as opposed to also being IN love? Or would they eventually resent each other? ONE NIGHT STAND was just one of the explorations of that question. I personally think that could've been one of the reasons for their obvious estrangement during most of 4th season and sometimes at the end of 3rd. They HAD experimented together as lovers, but it didn't work out, probably due to misgivings on one or both sides, at least initially, and it took them most of 4th season to work things out with each other again. By SREV I think they were back on the track - before disaster struck. We all know the rest.[2]


  1. ^ from Between Friends #5, September 1984
  2. ^ from Hanky Panky #13