Oda Sakunosuke

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Name: Oda Sakunosuke, Odasaku (nickname)
Occupation: Mafioso, Assassin (former)
Relationships: friend of Dazai Osamu and Sakaguchi Ango
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Other: Voiced by Suwabe Junichi [1] and Uemura Yuuto (young) [2]
Oda Sakunosuke wearing Yukata under the rain, with a book on his head and Sensei the cat on his shoulder.
Oda Sakunosuke on the cover of 天衣無縫 novel.
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Oda Sakunosuke, commonly known as Odasaku, is a character in Bungou Stray Dogs fandom.


Oda Sakunosuke first appeared in the light novel "Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era" as the narrator. The subsequent anime adaptation of said light novel has brought quite a lot of spotlight to his character, later made him a fairly popular character amongst Bungou Stray Dogs fans.

His friendship with Dazai Osamu is one of the most talk about topics regarding Odasaku's character, beside his canon death.

Fans Reactions

I like him but like some others said, he's a little boring. He's a good guy, does all the right things even if he's in the mafia. He even helps orphans. He's pretty much perfect but personally, I find Ango more interesting, being able to pull off being a triple agent for so long. But Odasaku is a good, well-written character. I'm just not interested in him. Lol.

Sienne_ [1]

I like Odasaku's character, and how well written he is, but we cannot say that he's a totally good man, adopting orphans and helping them doesn't necessarily make u a good man, also, he is not the 'Best friend anyone could have' , To dazai, (in my opinion ofc) he did everything that a normal friend would do for the sake of his friend, not a best friend, not a close friend, just friend. In the end thats my opinion, feel free to share yours too :3

_loui93_ [2]

Honestly, I found his character to be a little boring. He’s likable. And he’s definitely the reason why Dazai didn’t end up just completely evil or dead. But I love most of the characters for their neurosis and their quirks. Oda kind of…oh god help me from this pun…a bit too flawless. cringes at self I appreciate him for his influence on Dazai the most.

Kanti13 [3]

I liked him very much he is a very will written character. He was one of the few if not the only one who perfectly understood Dazai, he was a good friend and a good father figure and he really had a goal in life to become a writer and for that he changed himself from a professional killer to someone who doesn’t kill despite his rare ability that gave him advantage on many other abilities, he preferred to be the lowest in the mafia until he could gain enough money to take the kids and free himself from all of this and follow his dreams. Odasaku, dazai and mori are the best written characters in BSD. Of course I like the other characters but these in my opinion are the best. I haven’t seen many odasaku haters except some people in pinterest who just hate him cuase They think he threatens their soukoku ship although I don’t understand why. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Striking-Flouder-97 [4]

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