OTW Content Policy Subcommittee

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Name: Content Policy Committee of Organization for Transformative Works (OTW)
Profit/Nonprofit: Nonprofit
Country based in: USA; international volunteers
Focus: Designs and implements the Terms of Service and other content policies for the Archive of Our Own.
External Links: Archive Of Our Own, Terms of Service
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Content Policy is a subcommittee of the Organization for Transformative Works's Legal committee. The Content Policy subcommittee works closely with the OTW's Legal and Policy & Abuse teams. It originally helped create and helps update the Terms of Service for the Archive of Our Own when necessary.

Original description

This was the original description for Content Policy on the OTW website:

Content Policy designs and implements the Terms of Service and other policies for the Archive of Our Own. Familiarity with the Archive is helpful. Ability to synthesize multiple and sometimes conflicting priorities is a positive trait, as is a good understanding of expectations about fannish behavior (and the variety of those expectations). Much of our communication is asynchronous, though we do have occasional meetings. Work is sporadic, so nothing may happen for long stretches, but when we do make changes we often have vigorous debates. Content Policy could be a good second committee for someone looking for greater involvement in the policy side of the organization without a substantially increased time commitment. Ability to stay in contact and to meet deadlines is a plus. [1]

History of Chairs/Leads

