November Tuesday

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Name: November Tuesday
Dates: online in 1998
Fandom: Trent Reznor, original fiction
URL: (dead link, unarchived)
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November Tuesday was a Trent Reznor RPF and erotic original fiction website listed on and reviewed by Lady Cyrrh Index of Website Reviews.

Fanfic erotica is all over the net these days. Trek, Buffy, X-Files, Xena. There's even fanfic about celebrities, with a small but growing segment featuring rock stars as the fuck objects. (Someday I'll tell you about The Monkees Ring of Smut.) Hanson and the Spice Girls are currently the most popular subjects. But in this website they recieve stiff competition from no other than Trent Reznor himself, the New Orleans whinemeister responsible for the fetish refrain "I Want to F*** You Like an Animal" which has become a national anthem for nihilistic goths of all sexual persuasions, and is, according to Miss Tuesday, "the most stunningly fuckable creature on the planet." A picture of Trent is included, and yes, she's right.

There's other material available on the site as well, all of it written by November Tuesday and presented in a simple yet effective black and purple scheme reminiscent of an early Black Sabbath album cover. Some of it, such as "Forest Fire" is of the "perfume ad" type (as some Celestial reviewers have called it) which is long on poetry but short on resolve; fine for some I guess, but I prefer something I can sink my teeth into. Another story, "Vaulted," seems almost too personal; what writer wants it known that they masturbate next to pages of their own fiction? There's also a selection of dairy entries, with the names expunged to protect the innocent. Hmmm.

But other material on the site is more objective. November's world is erotic, elegant, and sensorial, with a strong similarity to Akasha's BDSM work, with a velvet glove touch of good ole New Orleans decadence. In "Arcadia," for example, the female narrator goes to a club (the same one Mr. Reznor visits later on) and hires three men to have sex with each other as she watches; one of the men bears a strong resemblance to Anthony Kiedis of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Lady Cyrrh is not the only one who got off on the MTV video of the Peppers bouncing around the beach in their thong-backed bathing suits! The story also seems to set the pattern for the other Trent/NIN fiction I've read: girls who watch boys who do each other, with pain and toys involved.

Then there is Trent. Quite a tight little community (sorry for the pun) has accreted around Mr. Reznor; he even has a newsgroup devoted to him ( and story archives are in the process of being built. From what I've seen, though, November's fiction is far and away the best. In the "Domination of Trent" series Trent goes to New Orleans to enlist the services of a female dom who chain-whips his nipples and squirts icy cream up his ass, among other things; the contrast between the domina's desire and Trent's indifference to it makes for heady reading. Then in the "Reconciliation" series, poor Trent is raped by a member of his own band, and in the best slash tradition the two play out their UST (unresolved sexual tension) for five more chapters. If you like slash but puke at the thought of Star Trek or X-files characters doing it, try this; it also works well as gay BDSM even if your listening diet consists of Michael Bolton and Harry Connick Jr.

November Tuesday Website