Not Spock's Brain

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Title: Not Spock's Brain
Author(s): Lezlie Shell
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Not Spock's Brain is a Kirk/Spock story in play-form by Lezlie Shell.

It is a transcript of the skit done for the KiSCon, as well as Escapade a few years earlier.

It was published in the con zine KiScon 1999.


A flyer notes: "This play was performed at KiScon 1999 and had the con-goers rolling in the aisles. Kirk and Spock are living in the Slash Hall of Heroes when Spock’s cock is kidnapped! Kirk, determined and desperate, sets out to find it."

Reactions and Reviews


This would be better seen, but even on paper it's still funny. I especially loved how Scotty figured out to track the woman who stole 'not Spock's brain.' Another choice part was Kirk's reaction to a certain fan universe he didn't want to return to -- and it was't the slash universe he was objecting to. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #35