Not Heat

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Title: Not Heat
Author(s): jat sapphire
Date(s): 2004
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Not Heat is a Kirk/Spock story by jat sapphire.

It was published in the print zine T'hy'la #24.


"After VʼGer, Kirk goes with Spock to Vulcan."

Reactions and Reviews

"Not Heat" is a six page story. It's a very sensual first time story on Vulcan set after the first movie. I liked the introductory poem by Walt Whitman very much. I enjoyed reading both the poem and the story. [1]

There is nothing ill I could say of a story this engaging which begins with a selection from one of my favorite Dichter in the English language, Walt Whitman. Whitman is a tough act to follow, but jat sapphire, I am pleased to report, is up to the task. Her writing just gets better and better. I was stunned to find myself enjoying every sentence and paragraph, and stunned more at how fresh—not stale, overused, overworn, tired and boring—her turn at a first time story was.

Kirk is on a short leave on Vulcan with Spock, so soon after V'Ger's transcendence that the words "this simple feeling" are still tumbling around in his mind. The inevitable ensues. But in such a beautiful, gentle way! I fall in love with K/S all over again.

Jat sapphire is such an asset to this fandom. I haven't seen anything new from her in a while, so I'm glad to see this story. (Let's just say it was a lucky coincidence that a friend of mine got a trib copy.) Everything is so right: the scifi works; Kirk and Spock are completely in character; the writing, particular descriptions of the location and its effects on Kirk, is lovely. Beautiful, wonderful, dare I say—perfect. [2]

Deceiving title! There is much heat here, both in the setup describing Vulcan’s intemperate climate and in what transpires during a picnic in the desert. It’s a pleasurable interlude in spite of—or because of—the heat. [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #104
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #95
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #106