No one's a good guy

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Title: No one's a good guy
Creator: DoubleTreble1518
Date: 4 May 2013
Format: digital vid
Length: 1:52 min
Music: Awolnation
Genre: gen
Fandom: Revolution
Footage: Revolution Season 1
URL: no one's a good guy (YouTube)

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No one's a good guy is a gen vid by DoubleTreble1518 for Revolution.

As of August 27 2013, the video has more than 1,200 views.

Vidder's note/Summary

"What can I say -this show has grown on me immensely. The setting is super interesting, the cast are decent actors, and it's worth watching just for the Miles and Monroeness of it all. Also its JJ Abrams..."


shit this is sooo damm awesome. love all the voiceovers you used :D[1]

Masterfully done fanvid! You really captured the vibe of the show, and all of the characters. This will be one I go back to and watch a lot; I can tell.[2]

this video is amazing! these lyrics are very hard to match with clips but you did it perfectly. you really showed the meaning of this show and the first season so far. the fact that no one on this show is good or bad everyone is just fucked up and trying to survive. like its up to us to decide who to root for. i absolutely loved all the parallels you did especially at 1:09 . probably the best video of revolution ive seen yet. [3]


  1. ^ xOnceEAgainx. Comment. (Accessed August 27 2013)
  2. ^ lasplx. Comment. (Accessed August 27 2013)
  3. ^ taylor asay. Comment. (Accessed August 27 2013)