No Return Policy

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Title: No Return Policy
Author(s): GenieVB
Date(s): 15 January 2000
Length: 63k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: No Return Policy (Down in the Basement)

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No Return Policy is a Mulder/Krycek story by GenieVB

Summary: Mulder trades something for something and learns something about himself!

Recs and Reviews

Krycek has something to offer, but he won't give it to Mulder for free. Major angst, Mulder-noncon, sweet torture and it's true that we always hurt the one we love ;) Not a very popular story, but I just have to come back and read it time after time.


"When can I see Samantha again?" I was sick of this shadowy rendezvous in the night crap. "First we discuss my price."
"_Your_ price? I thought Cancer Stick was running the show?"
"Not this gig."
Krycek walked toward me and I had the distinct image flash across my mind of a sleek cat strolling across the linoleum to its food dish.
He stopped in front of me with eyes green like a cats, his pink tongue darted out from between thin lips and it laid out his bargain.
"You're the price." [...]
And its sequel "Exchange Rate" Summary: Alex saves a dying man...[1]

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...) XF: Krycek offers Mulder a cruel bargain (one they’ll probably both regret) with a No Return Policy, by GenieVB.[2]
