New Year's Eve (The Charioteer story)

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Title: New Year’s Eve
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 24 December 2012
Length: 2635 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: on AO3

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"New Year’s Eve" is a short story by Florence A. Watson (fawatson) based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. The story is set when Laurie is age 4, at least a year before Chapter One, when Laurie is still living with both his parents. In addition to young Laurie, it features three other characters from the book: his parents Lucy and Michael (apparently still happily married), and his maiden aunt Olive.


Michael and Lucy go out for a New Year celebration leaving Laurie at home with Olive babysitting. The evening’s events are told mostly from Laurie’s perspective.


This story was written as a treat for Greer Watson (greerwatson) in response to one of the prompts she made for Yuletide 2012 .


The story elicited a number of comments, including:

  • " Such a delightful story of little Laurie—and such a very nice auntie he has. As for his parents: well, obviously there must have been a time when their marriage was going swimmingly; but I don't think I've ever seen it in a story before. Even so, we see hints of trouble to come, with Michael wanting a wife to squire, and Lucy seeing herself as Mummie. I think Laurie is lucky, though, to have this early security as the foundation of his life."—comment by greerwatson
  • " little boy Laurie is adorable, and it's good to read about an earlier time too, preparing the way for Chapter 1. Thank you so much!"—comment by trueriver