Natsume Takashi

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Name: Takashi Natsume
Occupation: Student
Relationships: Touko Fujiwara (distant relative, adoptive guardian), Shigeru Fujiwara (distant relative, adoptive guardian), Reiko Natsume (grandmother), Madara (bodyguard), Kaname Tanuma, Tooru Taki, Satoru Nishimura, Atsushi Kitamoto, The Dog's Circle
Untitled piece by cynthiatedy
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Takashi Natsume is the protagonist of Natsume Yuujinchou.


Natsume is a quiet, kind boy who is often misunderstood because of his ability to see youkai. After the deaths of his parents, he was passed around from one distant relative's household to another. It is heavily implied that he was abused during this time period, and his struggles with bullying and ostracization by his peers is often explored in the series proper. He eventually finds a loving foster family in the the Fujiwaras (a kindly older couple who lives in the countryside), a youkai bodyguard lovingly nicknamed Nyanko-sensei, and a group of human and youkai friends.

In the manga, Natsume has silver hair. In the anime, he is blonde.


As the titular character, Natsume is beloved among fans. Despite the suffering he has experienced because of his Sight, he remains kind and loving to all those in need of his help, often aiding both humans and youkai alike. Fans often explore his fierce protectiveness for his loved ones, his more teasing nature with his drunkard cat-bodyguard Nyanko-sensei, and the slow growing trust he puts in his newfound home, family, and friends.


Natsume/Tanuma is a popular ship in Western fandom.

Example Fanworks




Links & Resources

Takashi Natsume tag on AO3.