Mudd Fun

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Title: Mudd Fun
Author(s): Allie Benet Awater
Date(s): 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Mudd Fun is a K/S story by Allie Benet Awater.

It was published in the print zine Legends #4.


"Some interesting repercussions of the crew's encounter with Harry Mudd and his androids."

Reactions and Reviews

Jim and Spock's attempts to get together are sabotaged by an annoying itch. Not in their pants, on Jim, caught from his adventures on Mudd's planet. This is one of the funniest—not silly—stories I've ever read and one of the few featuring Mudd the 1st as its theme. A rollicking romp that mixes romance with raunch in a wickedly witty story. Filled with lines I'd like to quote but don't want to spoil for readers. Most important to me, Spock is totally willing to bed Jim despite his "problem." I love it and can't say enough about this author's piercing wit and her knowledge of physics and technology as applied and borrowed from the androids of Mudd's planet. A whimsical look at what happens back on the Enterprise with the crew and the androids' effects on them. Entertaining to the max. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #131